By Carol Ring

If you're like most people, you've encountered situations where you had to do something, even though there was something else you really wanted to do. Perhaps you wanted to take the kids to a movie, but you had to finish a project for work. Or maybe you had to attend a meeting, but you wanted to spend the afternoon working out. Chances are that whatever you had to do won out, and what you wanted to do got put on the back burner…yet again. Such a scenario happens all the time. People are torn being doing what they want to do (which usually involves personal activities) and doing what they have to do (which usually involves work activities). As such, they're continually searching for life balance-the buzzword of the 80s and 90s that gave people yet another thing to stress about. Consequently, too many people are running at a crazy pace in all directions, all day, only to end up exhausted, unfulfilled, stressed, and dreading that it's going to be exactly the same tomorrow.

Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to choose between personal and work activities-between what you have to do and what you want to do? Fortunately, such an option does exist. You simply need to stop multi-tasking and start multi-purposing. Read More about it from the source.

When I read this I thought to myself this was the story of my life. Well, not anymore, thanks to this article!